Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Take Down of Counterfeit Video Game Manufacturer

The Investigative Consultants team located a subject that was mass producing counterfeit video games and distributing them throughout the Southern California area. Undercover investigators from Investigative Consultants were able to make multiple undercover purchases from the subject and determined that the subject had a massive library of all the current video games, along with past hits.

Investigators identified a store where the subject was operating from and determined he was making the counterfeit goods at the location in a back room. The subject had a massive manufacturing set up at the location and had the capacity to make thousands of counterfeit copies.

The investigation was taken over by law enforcement. After law enforcement agents conducted undercover purchases they were able to determine that the subject was a major manufacturer of counterfeit video games. They obtained a search warrant for the location and arrested the owner.

The owner was charged with felony trademark counterfeiting. He has since been convicted in the case.

Kris Buckner, Investigative Consultants